Show Time

19/03/2023 – Reining riders and -fans can start to warm up already. Starting from March 28 up to and including April 1 Fiere di Cremona (ITA) will be hosting the IRHA/IRHBA Derby for 4-, 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-year-old horses. This is the first big international Reining event of the year. The show actually features 2 Derby’s, both NRHA approved and both with a purse of € 100.000 added money. Offered are an Open- and Non Pro Derby eligible for any horse, provided that all other requirements for participation have been met, and an Open- and Non Pro Derby eligible only for horses enlisted in the IRHBA (International Reining Horse Breeder Association) program.
Entry lists are not available yet. Visit for additional information.
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